0 €
Premium Method Feeder Wafters (mixed colors)
The well known Method Feeder Wafters hookbaits from the Premium Method All In B2 Pellet Boxes can be purchased now separately by flavor! The special feature of this product is that the 20 gram box contains two sizes (6 and 8 mm) of hookbaits in four... [Mehr]
Preis pro Einheit: 249.50 € / 1 kg
enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer: 7 %
Bruttogewicht: 30 g
Artikelnummer: 50731
Detailierte Beschreibung.

The well known Method Feeder Wafters hookbaits from the Premium Method All In B2 Pellet Boxes can be purchased now separately by flavor! The special feature of this product is that the 20 gram box contains two sizes (6 and 8 mm) of hookbaits in four different colors (white, black, brown and red). The dumbell-shaped wafters hold perfectly on the bait spike, but with a fine baiting needle can be used on a hair rig as well. Due to its nature, it "dances" on the top of the pellets or groundbait in the method feeder, but does not lift up the hook.

The non-flavored product (natural) is one of the secret favorites of feeder competitions!

20 gr
  • M1 (Spicy)
  • Phaze1 (Spicy Fruit)
  • Squid & Octopus
    6, 8 mm
Frühjahr - Herbst = Frühjahr - Herbst Sommer = Sommer 4 Jahreszeiten = 4 Jahreszeiten
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