0 €
  • Paste for quick results

    Thanks to the short break down time and their effect in the water, soluble pastes are the number one ancillary baits in waters rich in fish. The appetite stimulating ingredients of soluble pastes significantly increase our chance for a bite, even when the fish are not in a feeding mode.
  • Economical
    packaging size

    The economical package is enough for a multiday session. This is what you need!
  • Both for creature’s great and small

    On a multiday session when we are targeting big fish we like to wrap the paste around the non-soluble hook bait, thus increasing the attractiveness of it. And we are just waiting for the big catch!
  • One here, one there

    You can wrap paste around the lead, in the method feeder, or directly on the hook bait. It would be a pity to leave home such a multi-faceted material.
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